Havanas #4 Puzzle Box

RELEASED: 5.14.2014
PRODUCED: 75 Copies
DESIGNER: Eric Fuller
CRAFTSMAN: Eric Fuller
MATERIAL: Quartersawn Sapele, Wenge veneer
COMMENTS: This final installation of the Havana's box is the "Bruce" after my buddy who tends bar there from time to time. He's a smooth talker with a complex personality, and that describes this box pretty well. I brought the apearance of the box full circle to the first one, with the slight difference that the veneer runs a different direction.

I promised that the boxes would be increasingly difficult, and the #4 lives up to that. The goal is of course to set the cigar free. While simple in appearance, there's a lot going on inside. There are at least five discoveries involved in finding the solution, and each builds upon the next. This is a very difficult box.

Fit and finish are excellent! Made from quartersawn sapele to ensure stability and minimize movement.

75 copies made for sale; each signed and dated.

SIZE: 1.5" x 1.5" x 6.5"

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